Our Goals
The Washington CT Republican Town Committee seeks to promote Republican values and ideas* and then to elect candidates who will further the mission.
Town government tax efficiently & plan for the future
- Tax citizens responsibly and with transparency as to intent and means, without burdensome demands, yet to achieve community goals as define below; our economy benefits when hard-earned dollars are left in the hands of those who earned them.
Town infrastructure maintain & upgrade
- Maintain roads, bridges & public buildings, ensuring that adequate funding is available.
- Plan and keep in mind future upgrades to the infrastructure including modern telecommunications, ie., broadband, 5G, etc.
Public schools provide support, competent educators & administrators
- Ensure funding to operate schools at a high level.
- Expect accountability from public school officials to ensure that public funds are spent wisely and so that the education of the town’s students can be measured and evaluated effectively.
- Promote the education & understanding of our country’s national heritage and the responsibilities of citizenship.
Environment and natural resources conserve & preserve
- Observe and abide by state and federal laws in the management of the town’s natural resources
- Promote conservation practices that would benefit the natural environment as well as the citizenry
- Monitor and fund the maintenance of town properties including parks, trails and waterways
- Review, amend and optimize town recycling procedures
- Work with local non-profits in their pursuit of a clean & well-managed environment
Local business promote & assist
- Be mindful of what makes for a viable commercial community especially in its service to the town & its people and seek to assist and promote commercial enterprises to this end.
* Republican values & ideas
(1) To preserve The Constitution of the United States of America and the constitutional system of separation of powers, the rule of law & private property rights.
(2) To protect & defend individuals’ human and constitutionally recognized rights, freedom of speech, religion & association.
(3) To preserve the environment and our natural resources.
(4) To minimize the government’s burden of taxation & regulation while ensuring the country is defended and run soundly.