Our Goals
Haying on North Side of Hidden Valley
Hay Barn on Gunn Hill, New Preston
Steep Rock Field on Rt. 202
RTC member, Robert Seymour’s commercial haying operation, where they load 40,000 pounds of hay onto trailers in 35 minutes.
The Washington CT Republican Town Committee seeks to promote Republican values and ideas* and then to elect candidates who will further the mission.
Town government tax efficiently & plan for the future
- Tax citizens responsibly and with transparency as to intent and means, without burdensome demands, yet to achieve community goals as define below; our economy benefits when hard-earned dollars are left in the hands of those who earned them.
Town infrastructure maintain & upgrade
- Maintain roads, bridges & public buildings, ensuring that adequate funding is available.
- Plan and keep in mind future upgrades to the infrastructure including modern telecommunications, ie., broadband, 5G, etc.
Public schools provide support, competent educators & administrators
- Ensure funding to operate schools at a high level.
- Expect accountability from public school officials to ensure that public funds are spent wisely and so that the education of the town’s students can be measured and evaluated effectively.
- Promote the education & understanding of our country’s national heritage and the responsibilities of citizenship.
Environment and natural resources conserve & preserve
- Observe and abide by state and federal laws in the management of the town’s natural resources
- Promote conservation practices that would benefit the natural environment as well as the citizenry
- Monitor and fund the maintenance of town properties including parks, trails and waterways
- Review, amend and optimize town recycling procedures
- Work with local non-profits in their pursuit of a clean & well-managed environment
Local business promote & assist
- Be mindful of what makes for a viable commercial community especially in its service to the town & its people and seek to assist and promote commercial enterprises to this end.
* Republican values & ideas
(1) To preserve The Constitution of the United States of America and the constitutional system of separation of powers, the rule of law & private property rights.
(2) To protect & defend individuals’ human and constitutionally recognized rights, freedom of speech, religion & association.
(3) To preserve the environment and our natural resources.
(4) To minimize the government’s burden of taxation & regulation while ensuring the country is defended and run soundly.
Averill Farm (Washington Depot) - The arrival of Fall wouldn’t be the same without a visit…apples, pumpkins, and cider doughnuts!