Join Us

Join us for our monthly meeting the third Tuesday of every month at 6pm at Bryan Memorial Town Hall Main Level Meeting Room

The Washington Republican Town Committee (RTC) is united in representing and supporting candidates and elected officials from the local to the national level who support Republican values & goals. Our mission is to seek the most qualified candidates and to help get them elected.

We are advocates for the history, values and goals of the Republican Party. We believe in our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms as Americans, starting with the freedom to speak freely, without censure. A civil society values honest dialogue about the issues it faces, and we stand for maintaining that honest, vigorous conversation that led to the formation of our Constitutional republic.

Our villages of Washington, Washington Depot, Woodville, Marbledale & New Preston, have a fascinating and proud history going back to the founding of the American Republic. We seek to preserve and conserve not only our traditions that have develop over the years and that have bound our community together, but also to maintain the beauty of our lanes, streets, fields and town centers as well.

We are the Washington Republican Town Committee, and we welcome you to our website and to our local party. Please do not hesitate to contact us to introduce yourself and ask questions. We are always looking to meet people who are willing to help, contribute and stand together for what we believe.